Sleepless No More: The Natural Sleep Solution You've Been Waiting For

Sleepless No More: The Natural Sleep Solution You've Been Waiting For


Sleep issues like insomnia and sleep deprivation are incredibly common. According to the CDC, over a third of American adults report getting less than the recommended minimum 7 hours of sleep per night. Chronic insomnia, which is characterized by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep at least 3 nights per week for over 3 months, affects 10-30% of adults worldwide.

With rising prevalence of sleep disorders, many people are turning to natural sleep aids like CBD oil and gummies to help improve sleep quality without the side effects of prescription medications. The cannabis derivative CBD has gained popularity for its potential to reduce anxiety, ease pain, and regulate sleep - all factors that can disrupt normal sleep patterns. Although more research is still needed, initial studies have found CBD may help induce sleepiness and longer sleep duration.

What is CBD?

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is one of over 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. It is a natural compound that interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, a network of receptors found throughout the body that help regulate various functions like sleep, appetite, pain and mood

Unlike THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis, CBD does not produce any mind-altering effects. Instead, CBD has a number of potential therapeutic benefits, including reducing pain and inflammation, relieving anxiety, improving sleep, and more.

CBD is available in several forms, including oils, tinctures, edibles like gummies, capsules, and topical products. CBD oil is made by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant and then diluting it with a carrier oil like coconut or hemp seed oil. CBD topicals include lotions, creams, balms and salves that are infused with CBD and can be applied directly to the skin.

Research on CBD and Sleep 

Several studies have shown that CBD can help improve sleep issues like insomnia. CBD may help reduce anxiety and pain, which are common factors that disrupt sleep. 

One study found that CBD could reduce excessive daytime sleepiness for people with conditions like narcolepsy. Animal studies also show CBD improves respiratory stability which could benefit sleep apnea.

Research indicates that optimal doses of CBD for sleep range between 25-175 mg taken 30 minutes to 1 hour before bedtime. Ongoing low doses between 150-600 mg daily are also effective and safe for long-term sleep improvement. 

Compared to other sleep aids like melatonin, CBD has longer lasting effects on sleep with some studies showing improved sleep up to a month later. CBD may provide deeper and more restorative sleep versus just falling asleep faster.

Comparing CBD to Other Sleep Aids

While melatonin can be effective for falling asleep, research suggests CBD may have longer lasting effects for sleep issues.

A meta-analysis from 2021 found that melatonin decreases the time it takes to fall asleep and increases total sleep time. However, melatonin's effects may not last all night.

On the other hand, studies on CBD have shown it can improve sleep quality and duration of sleep. The effects of CBD can last over time with ongoing use, resulting in more restful sleep overall.

One analysis of research on cannabinoids and sleep concluded that CBD holds promise for REM sleep behavior disorder and excessive daytime sleepiness. While more studies are still needed, CBD may offer longer-lasting sleep benefits compared to taking melatonin alone.

Choosing Quality CBD Gummies for Sleep

When choosing CBD gummies for sleep, it's important to select a high-quality, trustworthy brand. Here are some key factors to look for:

  • Organically grown hemp: Hemp absorbs toxins from the soil, so it matters how and where the plants are grown. Look for CBD extracted from organic, non-GMO hemp that is sustainably farmed without pesticides or other chemicals. This ensures you get a clean, pure product.
  • Full or broad spectrum CBD: Full spectrum CBD contains all the naturally occurring compounds in hemp, including cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids that work synergistically for enhanced effects. Broad spectrum CBD undergoes additional processing to remove THC but retains the other key compounds.
  • Third party lab testing: Reputable brands have their CBD oils tested by independent labs to validate the stated potency and check for contaminants. Lab reports should be recent and easy to access on the company's website.
  • Added ingredients: Some CBD sleep products contain additional ingredients like valerian root, chamomile, passionflower, and L-theanine that can further promote sleep. Look at the formula for other calming botanicals.

When sourcing a CBD sleep aid, do your homework to find a brand that checks all the boxes for quality and transparency. The purity of the product is key for safety and effectiveness.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

While CBD is generally well tolerated, a small number of people may experience side effects. Potential side effects of CBD include dry mouth, reduced appetite, drowsiness, and fatigue.

CBD can also interact with certain medications, as it inhibits an enzyme called cytochrome P450 complex, which is involved in metabolizing many drugs. CBD can increase levels of certain medications in the blood, potentially causing side effects. If you are taking any medications, consult with your doctor before using CBD.

Overall, CBD has a relatively mild side effect profile compared to many drugs. However, it's important to be aware of potential risks and monitor yourself for any adverse reactions, especially when first starting CBD. As with any supplement, it's advisable to start with a low dose and increase slowly over time.

Tips for Using CBD Gummies for Sleep

When first trying CBD for sleep, it's important to start with a low dose and increase slowly over time as needed. The optimal dosage can vary greatly between individuals. It's best to begin with the smallest dosage on the product, such as 5-10 mg of CBD, and increase by 5-10 mg until the desired effects are achieved.

Tracking the effects of CBD is also recommended to determine the ideal dosage and timing. Keeping a sleep journal to note sleep quality, energy levels the next day, and any side effects can help optimize your CBD regimen. Effects may take over an hour to notice, so patience is key.

It's also best to take CBD 30 minutes to 2 hours before bedtime unless using a product formulated with sleep-promoting ingredients like melatonin. CBD can sometimes have mildly stimulating effects initially.

Finally, lifestyle and environmental factors should not be overlooked when addressing sleep issues. Having good sleep hygiene practices like limiting blue light exposure at night, keeping the bedroom cool and dark, and having a relaxing pre-bed routine are important as well. CBD can complement these healthy sleep habits.

Final Recommendations

When used properly, CBD can be an effective tool for improving sleep quality and managing insomnia and other sleep disorders. The research shows CBD's ability to reduce anxiety, ease pain, and regulate sleep cycles - all of which can pave the way for better sleep.

When selecting a CBD product for sleep, look for full spectrum or broad spectrum CBD oil or gummies with added sleep-promoting ingredients like chamomile, passionflower, or lavender. Quality indicators include organic hemp, third party lab testing, and positive customer reviews. Circle Organics crafts high quality CBD gummies designed specifically for sleep. Their gummies feature organic ingredients, third party testing, and rave customer reviews.

With the proper CBD regimen paired with healthy sleep habits, many can find welcome relief for their sleep troubles. High quality products from Circle Organics make it easy to experience the natural sleep-enhancing benefits of CBD.


Q: How much CBD should I take for sleep?
A: Most recommendations suggest starting with 10-25 mg of CBD 30 minutes before bedtime and increasing the dosage by 5-10 mg at a time until you achieve the desired effects. Optimal doses for sleep range from 25-175 mg for most people.

Q: Will CBD make me drowsy or groggy the next day?
A: CBD is not habit-forming and does not usually cause drowsiness or impaired daytime functioning for most people when used properly at night. However, some mild side effects like fatigue or dizziness may occur. Staying hydrated, starting with a low dose, and adjusting the timing can help minimize side effects.

Q: How long does it take for CBD to work for sleep?
A: The effects of CBD may take 1 to 2 hours to fully notice. CBD needs to be metabolized by the body, so it's best taken a few hours before bedtime. The impacts on sleep can last 6 to 8 hours. For some, the benefits seem to accrue over time with regular use, providing longer lasting effects on sleep quality.

Q: Is CBD safe to use every night for sleep?
A: CBD is considered non-addictive and generally well-tolerated, even when used regularly. However, it may cause side effects in some people like dry mouth, nausea, and fatigue. It's best to start with a low dose and gradually increase to find the optimal dosage for you. You can use CBD nightly for sleep, but you may want to take breaks periodically to maintain effectiveness and minimize side effects. It's always a good idea to talk to your doctor, especially if you are on any medications.

Q: What's the difference between CBD oil and gummies for sleep?
A: CBD oil, like tinctures or capsules, provide CBD in a concentrated form. CBD gummies contain CBD oil but have added flavors and natural sweeteners like fruit juice. Gummies may be easier for some to take but the CBD may be slightly less potent. For sleep, gummies that also contain sleep-promoting ingredients may be ideal. In the end, it comes down to personal preference as to which form of CBD is right for you. The most important thing is choosing a high quality, reputable product.

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